Wednesday, June 3, 2009

>>>>>>>>it touches my soul and moves me to tears....

It is music. Always has, always will!

Papa Frank & I first lived just outside Nashville, TN and it was heavenly. We had this amazing deck that overlooked the Cumberland River. And we had music. Everywhere you looked and everywhere you went, there was a spiritual connection between the beauty around us and the sound of music being made somewhere close by.

Music is important. And I know that it is for everyone. It is why we sing lullabyes to our babies. It is why babies can dance before they can walk. No one has to teach us. It fills our fibers and spills out. I know there is the adage that "white men can't dance". But, you know what, it does not matter if they can or not, because they do! They may not have the same rhythm as their black brothers, but there is that feeling that moves everyone when we hear that song.

One of things Papa F and I discovered a show called Crossroads when we were in Nashville. It takes two different genres of artists and allows them to perform their songs together and there is this blending. Anyway, we have found this amazing station on HD tv channels here in southern CA and they have concert after concert with amazing song videos in between but they also have CROSSROADS!!!! Right this very minute I am watching Tricia Yearwood and Babyface performing. How wonderful!

Now MamaLouise will laugh when she sees that I have finally done a blog entry again, because U just called her and explained that Papa F & I had just finished a dinner out together! Okay, we found this amazing little Italian restaurant run by a little Italian guy who has just moved here from, you guessed it, ITALY! Well, he suggested that we have a 'house cabernet' with our dinner... and who are we to argue? It was the kind of wine that burns the back of your throat and then a warmth envelopes you, then a slight warm breeze is gently blowing.

One glass of this magical potion and I probably should not have driven home, but I did. (And I did pray before I left the parking lot that God was watching over my every move!) Put down the top, perfect CA evening, pop in my Tracy Chapman's newest CD. I wanted to take a roadtrip!! But I drove home (about 5 minute drive). When I got home and turned on the big screen, there was Tricia and Babyface. Just about as good as having a front row seat in a small club, huh?

I know this is not a cataclysmic moment. But it is one of those blessed tiny moments where it just hits you: this life is so short and music should fill as many moments as possible!

Now, I will address my daughter. Mamalouise, you have been blessed with a gift: your voice! I hope and pray that someday soon, you will find an outlet that will allow you to use your talent. I know I am THE MOM. But you have a special ability and I only want you to never doubt it. I know it takes an exeptional energy and vulnerability to put yourself out there. Just be courageous.

1 comment:

Lora said...

Happy, happy birthday!!

I'm a huge fan of Mamalouise's and had to come check out her Mama!