My belles-filles! I like that! Happy Mother's Day, Belles-Filles! I just completed a Mother's Day Blog
below where I talked about my biological children, grandchild and my own dear, sweet mom. But I did not even mention some of the most important and special people in my life since the day I married my sweetheart
, Papa-F! This is in away an apology to his children/grandchildren and to the memory of their their beautiful mother, Jackie. From all that I have heard and all the positive qualities I see in her children's lives, she seemed to be a great wife and MOTHER! They were married for 25 years before cancer took her from their lives. I know to some extent, from losing my own mother how hard this had to have been, however, both of Jackie's children were alot younger when she died. I know too that they loved her and that she was and always will be their mom.
Our families had not even met until we got married, August 3, 2003. They all lived in different areas of the country, so we decided to get married in Las Vegas. We were happy when all of the kids and many of our relatives could attend our ceremony there.
There were actually 22 people at our wedding at the Little White Chapel in Las Vegas!
That was the beginning of our new "blended family". When the pictures were taken, I tried to explain relationships to the photographer and she said, "You can no longer say 'my children' or 'his children', as of today, they are 'our children'." And it hit me, she was correct! We had discussed how our children would deal with our marriage, but we had pretty much agreed that because they were adults or old enough to make their own decisions, they would be okay with our union. But I also knew that my children have their dad and that our marriage would never interfere or change that. Nor would our union change what Papa F's children had with their mom!
But there is a new relationship that forms. And as with any human relationship, the real tide that binds is time spent with the other person. And with our seperate geographical locations, it is not really something that any of us deal with on a regular basis!
Here is what I am trying to say: I feel so blessed! Papa-F's son is a very loving and caring person and he is married to a lovely young lady. He
has a terrific 9 year old son who we have not seen much, but who seems to be a great boy. His daughter is a wonderful woman who has a beautiful 3 year old daughter with her loving spouse. All of them have made me feel very accepted and cared for whenever we are together or talk on the phone. My husband has sai
d the same thing about my kids.
But I do not like labeling these folks "stepchildren" or "stepgrandchildren". I do not like the expressions? So, I have adopted the term "Belles-Filles" on this Mother's Day! Now if I could just find something that works better than "blended family". We are not blended. We are still who we are! But we do respect and care about each other. I have grown to love my belles-filles. They really are special and precious to me.
I also failed to mention our other belles-filles who is married to my daughter. He too is a great guy and I love him.
We are all going to get together and celebrate this Christmas and I can't wait! I look forward to us all getting to know each other better and making memories that we can share and enjoy for many years to come!