Happy Birthday, Michelle. Twenty-eight years ago, November 11, 1980, I got awakened at 5 A.M. I was not really having strong contractions, but I somehow knew you were coming very soon! I had taught school that fall and Dr. Warren told me to arrange for a sub in my 6th grade classroom at North Ridge Middle School about 3 weeks before that day. So, I had been ready for awhile! I kept telling you in my belly, that we could be taking great fall walks and enjoying each other's company...but you were not ready, until YOU were ready! Anyway, on that day I got up and went potty, called Grandma, of course, and she came over to the house. She said maybe we should go to the hospital, but I told her I wanted to shower first. So, I did my full routine in those days: showered, shaved my legs after all the Dr. & nurses were going to see my legs!), blow dried my hair, used my hot rollers to get that Farah Fawcett hairdo, and then woke up your dad! He grumbled sleepily and said, "You can't have the baby today! It is my day off!" It was Veteran's Day. I explained to him that I was having contractions, that mom was there, and I had talked to the Dr. and to Aunt Christi who was my Lamaze coach and that everyone thouhgt I should head to the hospital. It was about 9 A.M. by the time he rolled out of bed and threw on his jeans. I told him to shower but he said that we would not be staying at the hospital so he could shower when WE got back home. He drove me to Lake View Memorial Hospital, now USMC, Logan St. and my mom followed us. They admitted me and took me to a "birthing room" upstairs. I was planning to have you in the birthing room instead of the delivery room. It was the "cool, calm, & relaxing" way to have a baby according to the Lamaze teachers. Mom stayed with me and your dad said he needed a shower so he was going home but would be back. Uncle John brought Aunt Christi to the hospital so she could coach me with my breathing. I was just walking around the room and talking to everyone. The nurse came in and checked me from time to time. Then about 11 A.M. she "prepped me" to have a baby! My water had not broken, but I was dialating and she assured me that a baby was on its way. Dr. Warren showed up about 12:15 P.M. and checked me. She said, "Why don't we go into the delivery room instead of in here?" She explained that all the equipment was already there and it would be easier. By this time, I had started having pretty hard labor pains and there was an overflow of births that day! I kept hearing newborn babies crying. I kept telling people it was my turn to have my baby, so let's get on with it! We went to the delivery room and still no daddy! We had called home but there was no answer. Of course, by that time, I was not planning on waiting for anyone! And it was not your dad's plan ever to join us in the delivery room, so it was okay. Once in the room, Dr. Warren broke my water and was ready for me to push with my next contraction. Within a few minutes, there you were! They laid you on my stomach while they finished up. And you looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes. It was love at first site. You were gorgeous! You weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. and were 21 inches long. They took you away from me, much to my dismay and gave you a bath. They used were using what looked like a scrub brush to me! And you were screaming! I said, "Are you hurting her?" And they said they need to get you all cleaned up. They swaddled you and handed you back to me. Aunt Christi had been wonderful in helping me and she and I were teary eyed by this point. As they wheeled us out there was your Grandma! She thought you were beautiful. Then they informed me that they were so crowded, they did not have a bed for me right then! Good ole Danville Hospitals! They took you to the nursery so Dr. Warren could check you over good and they could draw blood, etc. But before I let them take you, I said, "How will you know she is mine? There are too many babies in there!" They showed me how your baby bracelet number matched mine on my wrist, so I was convinced. Pretty shortly they found a room for me and your dad showed up. He said he had stopped at the nursery and they had shown you the baby, "You done good!" (That was actually a cute thing to say, because it was a little saying from a popular TV show at the time.) Then he immediately wanted to know your name. I asked him where he had been and he said, "Well, I had to shower and then I called Andy and Mary and they took me to lunch. Andy is wanting the name right now for the insurance!" I handed him a list with names like Natasha, Paige, Lauren, Haley...and one other that I honestly cannot remember. He looked at the list and said, "You realize this child has to live with this name for the rest of her life? These names are horrible! I told him that I liked them and that he should choose one, but he was not happy with any of them. Grandma called about then because she had gone home by then and suggested, "Why not, Michelle? You have always liked the name Michelle." So, I said that to your dad and he said, "Okay, Michelle Louise." When I asked where he got Louise, he said. "Louise goes with Michelle." I was pretty weak, tired, hungry and totally in love by that point and so there it was, Michelle Louise. You were so precious. Perfect in everyway! I loved everything about you. And I still do!

Still after all these years I love hearing that story! Thank you for sharing...I love you so much! And I do like Michelle LOUISE! It made me unique growing up! ;)
what a cute story! I can't believe Ern didn't stay with you while you were delivering though! Poor you! I like Paige, Lauren and Haley too...Michelle fits Michelle though. I can't see her as any other name.
That's a great story! I'm so glad you volunteered to be an Asst. Girl Scout Leader way back when! Our girls may have brought us together, but we have become 'lifetime' friends! And as we both know, "God Loves us too much to give us Dull lives!"
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