JD M--Louise, PDaddy & JD 2008
1.I have to admit that as of 7:15 a.m., September 13, 2007, my life changed in ways I never expected! I met JD, my first biological grandchild. I was officially at that moment, "The Grandma, GranBecks, Granny, or whatever the first term that comes from his precious mouth". He now talks to me on skype or the phone and says, "Hi,Geeeeeeememmemememmmmmeeeee". Okay, it is like the cute Hallmark Christmas card ad on TV where Grandma and Grandpa are sitting on the couch and she opens one of those recorded message cards and we hear, "Ma-r-ee Kis-ma!" from a sweet little baby voice and she says teary eyed to Grandpa, "He said, 'Merry Christmas' and Grandpa, who is too smart to argue, just gives her one of those, "Are you sure??" stares. M-Lou does not ever admit to hearing JD's greeting to me, but...
C-Mommy, T-Ma, & Turtle --Turtle
2.Two years before I was blessed with JD, PapaF's daughter C-Mommy had my first grand-daughter. PapaF and I went to see her when she was just 17 days old. I was really expecting more of that miraculous feeling because I love babies so much. But when I met little Turtle, there were many things that made it tougher to feel that bond. Turtle is so special to me though and seeing the bond that PapaF has with her makes me teary-eyed many times. The main thing being the "step-grandma" is different but it has been a very neat part of my life and I am thankful that Turtle and C-Mommy and T-Ma are so amazingingly sharing. Turtle is precious and my heart does melt when she says, "I love you, GranBecks!" which she just did again tonight on the phone. And I love you, too, sweet Turtle!
Will with Dad Phrank & Papa
3.Now here is the real stretch for a Super Grandma wanna be... Grandson Will, who I have never even gotten to meet! PapaF's son Phrank's son who was born 4 years before PapaF and I were married. His mommy who we shall name..hmmmm...C-Dragon would not allow Will to come to our wedding, even though Phrank has always worked at being a great dad. Anyway, if that were the only time there were opportunities for him to be with our family, I might understand, but in the 5 years PapaF and I have been together, there have been many times C-Dragon has not allowed Will to be with us.
His dad did get remarried this past summer and although I was not there, Will and PapaF did get to meet each other again! We send him fun things throughout the year and write him notes, and hopefully he will be able to come snow skiing next Christmas in Lake Tahoe!
M-Louise & VP in 2000 --Thanksgiving 2008 ------VP ----------M-Louise & PDaddy
4.The best job I ever had was being a mom. (Although, as you can tell, I am rather consumed at this time in my life, with being a Grandma.) I have two wonderful children, MLouise and VP. I know I was not the "best mom" but it was my "best time". I had wanted children ever since I could remember and I did not rush into the experience! I was 27 years old when MLou was born and 31 when I had VP. So, I was ready--well, as ready as anyone can be for such an awesome life changing event! Looking back there may have been things I would have wanted to do differently, but then I think, "My two kids are terrifically talented, caring, responsible adults!" Which makes me think, I wouldn't have changed a thing.
Papa & I in New Mexico 2008
5.Wow, shall I say these are in no paticular order? Would you believe me, if I did? Being a wife to my loving husband, PapaF is what I get to be everyday. We share our faith and ideas and dreams. We are best friends who enjoy being together and we choose love for each other everyday.
Shadow on the Fridge with his bottle of Kahlua! ---Pete on his new bed
And because they did not fit into my "10 things" and they really, really should, PapaF's and my Dog Pete and Cat Shadow. As PapaF says, "They are our mental health."
6.Being a Christian is a very important part of my life. It really is the center of my being. I am thankful each morning for all that He provides for me and my family. He has seen me through some incredibly difficult struggles, but the amazing thing about Jesus Christ, is that He is with me always. I know sometimes I am a slow learner, but He is patient. Isn't that wild! I am still learning and able to grow--hopefully, not a pant-size, but maturity is always a good thing! Thank You, Lord!
7."Take a chance, life goes by in a glance, you might lose your pants, so let's dance!" That was one of Ellen's New Years Resolution and I liked it! I think no. 7 is about choosing joy! It's part of Christianity--being joyful. And it is a choice. Just like choosing to love someone everyday, I choose to be joyful no matter the circumstances. You have all heard the expression, "Oh, I am okay, UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES." Well, I heard someone say that when God hears that His response is, "What are you doing UNDER THERE?" So, stay on top of it.
8.Friends are family and sometimes family are friends, but not always. I have some great friends who are always there. Even though miles seperate us, I know they pray and think of me daily, as I do them. I really try to feel the same way about all of my family members. It is the old adage, "You cannot choose your family." The toughest part of friend's or family's is accepting them for who they are and not judging them. Wow, that's easy to say! But, evidentally, it is not so easy to do. I guess when we feel connected to someone, we put expectations on them. All I can say is, DON"T EXPECT ANYTHING! GET OVER IT if they do not meet your standards! And always refer back to no. 7.
9.I have been receiving a message from "out there" that poetry should be a part of my life this year. I have never been real impressed with my poetry writing, but I am willing to try. One of the most poignant messages I received was watching Bill Moyers last Friday night. His guest was John Lithgow and he quoted and read poetry throughout the show. I am counting in my head the number of "moments" I have felt the pull of poetry--5 times since going to Albuquerque until yesterday at church. Not 100's of times but very real and moving moments that have spoken pretty clearly.
What shall I do?
10.This one may sound trivial, but I love media! Music, Television, TIVOs, Movies, DVDs, Videos, Computers, IPods, Cell Phones, and BLOGS! It is so much a part of my life. Being born in 1953, I can remember the first TV my dad brought home. It's one of the few areas that has continued to improve and make life better in my opinion. I always thought everything would get bigger and better--things like airline travel, which, by the way, has gotten much worse. But, media, has really improved. And I like it.